We welcome you to our website convert2MP3, before you visit our website you must know about our terms and policies. This page provides you with the responsibility of restriction, information on copywriting and user requirements. We suggest you read it entirely and with your full attention. You get a fence and satisfaction experience through this website. Let’s come along to the specific information.
Our website is free of any kind of responsibility which was mistakenly done by the user. Here is the explanation of the terms of the responsibilities of users and the website.
We try our best to give you accurate and credible services. Our website is free of any responsibility for any mistake, disturbance or interference created when you don’t have access to open convert to MP3 website you couldn’t blame us. According to our services, You accept the things that our website is not responsible for any direct, indirect, co-incident or momentous damages.
While using the convert to MP3 website, you keep us harmless from any liability, costs, claims or losses after the use of our term of service and your infraction. Any legal action created due to copywriting and conversion is your responsibility, not the website owner.
The users who want to download the videos or convert them to MP3 from the copywriting process should follow the guidance of copywriting. The rights and DMCA authorization are explained below.
The MP3 tool gives respect and importance to the rights of copywriting among the users. It’s only able to give you accurate downloading and video converter when you don’t have permission in case of copywriting. Otherwise, it’s not accountable for converting illegal videos.
The website convert2MP3 recognized the DMCA (Digital Millennium copy Write Act). It takes serious action against the objection of copywrite infringements. If you have made a mistake in copywriting then you need to follow the instructions given in the DMCA policy.
The users are responsible for using the convert2MP3 websites without creating any disturbance or performing illegal actions. Here are some restrictions for the users to use the website.
While using the website, users need to be prohibited from performing any kind of illegal action which is harmful to the rights of others. Activities that do not have exact limits are included:
Our website take seriously the term of privacy and security of the users. You need to know that no online platform is completely secure. Additionally, we use the security of industry standards to keep your data or information safe. But you need to realise that you take risks to give your information on the internet for converting, downloading or uploading process. If you do not feel secure about how we collect, utilize or provide safety to your data. you visit our privacy policy to acknowledge this.
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